Art Pieces
of the
Heart Pirates
name Rakkon gender Male alligence Heart Pirates
canon Canon AU age 26 → 28 role Boatswain
timepoint Canon Linear species Demigod fruit power N/A
allginment Neutral Good sexuality Bisexual fight style Undetermined
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam eget nunc non ante molestie efficitur pharetra nec urna. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Etiam dictum mauris non neque aliquet auctor.

Quisque hendrerit euismod massa, quis pretium ante tempor a. Curabitur sit amet nibh id nulla lacinia sollicitudin. Duis aliquet nunc ex, nec accumsan urna cursus nec. Cras est augue, rhoncus ut fringilla eget, sodales sed ante.
height Lorem Ipsum
build Lorem Ipsum
hair Lorem Ipsum
eyes Lorem Ipsum
first impressions Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam eget nunc non ante molestie efficitur pharetra nec urna. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Etiam dictum mauris non neque aliquet auctor.

Quisque hendrerit euismod massa, quis pretium ante tempor a. Curabitur sit amet nibh id nulla lacinia sollicitudin. Duis aliquet nunc ex, nec accumsan urna cursus nec. Cras est augue, rhoncus ut fringilla eget, sodales sed ante.

features In sed sagittis dolor. Aliquam urna risus, consequat nec malesuada quis, molestie eget turpis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Praesent ac fermentum dui, id rhoncus ex. Nam in pharetra magna. In eu convallis ipsum, sed interdum lacus. Morbi a finibus libero. Vestibulum diam lacus, suscipit eget gravida id, convallis in risus.

Duis consectetur in libero ac fermentum. Curabitur imperdiet porttitor nunc in pharetra. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vivamus feugiat orci sed blandit ultrices. Fusce interdum dolor ac iaculis porttitor. Mauris tempor eget nibh ut laoreet.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam eget nunc non ante molestie efficitur pharetra nec urna. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Etiam dictum mauris non neque aliquet auctor.

Quisque hendrerit euismod massa, quis pretium ante tempor a. Curabitur sit amet nibh id nulla lacinia sollicitudin. Duis aliquet nunc ex, nec accumsan urna cursus nec. Cras est augue, rhoncus ut fringilla eget, sodales sed ante.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam eget nunc non ante molestie efficitur pharetra nec urna. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Etiam dictum mauris non neque aliquet auctor.

Quisque hendrerit euismod massa, quis pretium ante tempor a. Curabitur sit amet nibh id nulla lacinia sollicitudin. Duis aliquet nunc ex, nec accumsan urna cursus nec. Cras est augue, rhoncus ut fringilla eget, sodales sed ante.
creation drafts
Rakko - 海獺 (らっこ) - Sea Otter

Not Devil Fruit User - Grounded god? Maybe? With amnesia? IDK

Can see things others can't, most revolving around the key of connections. Can see bonds between others, can see items that are closely connected to individuals, and can see secrets that would threaten relationships. They're hard to describe verbally for him; like if you tried to explain red to a blind person. It's doable, but finding the language for something that's so visually dependent and yet not tangible or shaped in anyway is difficult, to say the least.

Extremely durable, but only moderately stronger than the average person.

Joined the Heart Pirates because, after seeing and Seeing the Marine presence around their islands, he decided it was either join a pirate crew or the revolutionaries. And, honestly, the revolutionaries had more bureaucracy than he'd like.

a cuddle monster who sleeps best when there's sounds of life around him. can deal with silence, but it's soothing to him to hear the other's around him. a mixture of 'i can hear everyone around me which means there's no one i can't hear around me' and 'if someone else reacts to something i'll hear it and wake up before it gets to me' and 'i'm not alone and i'm loved' all blending together.

joining the heart pirates
Saw a pair of hats that were left in the bar overnight, when he came to do the morning clean-and-inventory that pays the bills. Some were unconnected, but two in particular were tied to individuals that were linked back to where the port was, and so (after finishing his job) he followed the trail to the hangover Heart Pirates attempting to do inventory. Reunites Shachi and Penguin with their hats, and offers to help with inventory since he's there anyway and fucking loves catagorising shit.

Says as much when a hangover Shachi awes at him getting it done so fast, right as Law and Bepo arrived behind them. Law questions if they were still drunk, half jokingly half paranoid about someone strange helping with inventory, needing outside help to do such a simple task. And then he sees The List that is So Well Done that there's a visible twitch on his expression.

Rakko managed to identify better crafted items in the batch purchase and catagorised them as such. He could see the pride the workers had in those specific products, and marked them with a little notation to indicate such.

Starts interviewing Rakko there and then, subtly; though Shachi, Penguin, and Bepo all pick up on what he's doing. A few questions and careful minutes of scrutiny later, Rakko was welcomed on as inventory management | Boatswain. Law would carefully monitor both his outside communications and triple check his work for several months still; but that was natural when you consider the situation. Rakko didn't hold it against him, seeing the bonds swimming ominiously over his head, and took all of it in stride.

Doing so only really helped his bonds with the crew, and develops trust with the others. Having an accepting, nonjudgmental air about you despite being in charge of inventory management will do that do you.

Joins fairly early on in the crew's life. Crew only consisted of Law, Bepo, Shachi, Penguin, and Hakugan at that point.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam eget nunc non ante molestie efficitur pharetra nec urna. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Etiam dictum mauris non neque aliquet auctor.

Quisque hendrerit euismod massa, quis pretium ante tempor a. Curabitur sit amet nibh id nulla lacinia sollicitudin. Duis aliquet nunc ex, nec accumsan urna cursus nec. Cras est augue, rhoncus ut fringilla eget, sodales sed ante.
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